What is a green roof?
A simple idea and a signal of sustainability, the green roof is an undeniable asset to modern day building. A green roof in basic terms consists of a growing medium with a layer of vegetation that sits on top. They come in all different sizes and varieties, dependent on where they are being placed. We like to add a sedum roof to our timber products as they are easily maintained, robust growers and less weighty – so perfect for parklets and active travel storage within communities.
With pollution and climate change always at the forefront of our mind at Doing R Bit, we thought we’d share some of the ways a green roof benefits the environment.
Reduces pollution
Every inch of vegetation on a green roof plays its part for the climate, by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and converting it to oxygen – A real hero when it comes to adding to the carbon sink and supporting a reduction in air pollution.
A diverse range of plant and flower species can be housed within a green roof, which becomes a habitat for other species! It improves ecosystems by attracting birds, wildlife, and pollinators and gives back space that would otherwise go unused- ideal for more urban and built-up areas in towns and cities, where biodiversity can be harder to come across.
Protective layer
A green roof can increase the longevity of a roof by protecting against the elements all year round, including wind, UV light and rain. They are great for absorbing and reducing rainwater run-off and preventing localised flooding, which, due to climate change is an ever-increasing problem.
This is particularly useful for housing, workplaces, and commercial buildings. Nature is well practiced at temperature regulation, trapping heat in the colder months, and absorbing it in hotter months. The thermal efficiency of a green roof will help to save on energy costs – financial and environmental!
And. They look great!
There’s no denying a green roof looks fantastic, helping structures blend into nature and adding vibrancy and natural elements to the area…..even better when its added to one of our natural timber designs!
So; If you have a roof….make it a green one!
Want to know more? Why not check out the Doing R Bit products at – https://www.doingrbit.co.uk/products/